After price and brand, inclusion of a water resistance feature drove more simulated purchases than any other attribute.

  • Not surprisingly, brand and price were the best predictors of whether a consumer would prefer one phone over another.

  • Of the other 14 features, water resistance had the greatest impact on the purchase decision. - more than twice as important as any other feature tested.

Average Attribute Importance

Venting - ME - Waterproof Persuasion Insight 9 - US 01

Gore commissioned a leading market research firm to conduct a survey of 5400 consumers in four countries (China, India, US and Korea) focused on smartphone ownership/usage patterns and attitudes about smartphone water resistance. An advanced statistical approach (adaptive choice based conjoint) was used to isolate and quantify the impact of 14 product features including brand, price and water resistance on the smartphone purchase decision. The survey was fielded in July/August 2019. Learn More